Sat. Aug 19th, 2023
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Sat. Aug 19th, 2023
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
LxVE & Cardio High Run Klub invite you to the first Run It Up Saturday's hosted by Alfred Nomad & Kris J. Encouraging us all to get outside, move our bodies and keep pushing. For this first run we will meet at LA Historical Park for a 2 mile run. Arrival at 9am, run starts at 9:30am. ALL RUNNING LEVELS WELCOME
About your hosts
Artist, emcee, community organizer & LxVE founder Alfred Nomad uses art and the power of community as a catalyst for social change and well-being. Alfred is currently pushing unity and perseverance with his new Keep Moving Forward EP.
Kris J is an artist athlete and cannabis advocate who's sole purpose is to motivate his community through his vibed out music and THC consumed long runs. Hear more from Kris in his latest album Cardio High (Vol. 1)
Kris & Alfred have been fellow artists for over a decade, and are now coming together to provide a space to encourage positivity and wellness one mile at a time.